Dentist SEO Case Study
Dentistry is a competitive niche, and for a good reason. One dental client brings in a few thousand dollars every few years. There are thousands of people looking for dentists online every month.
In San Diego alone dental keywords have over 12,000 people searching them up every month. On top of that, the average cost per click for these dental terms is over $10. That means marketers spend over $120,000 every month. There is so much value in dentist keywords, and getting organic results via SEO for your dental practice is a cheaper and simpler way to grow your business.

Into the Thick of it: Case Study
So, let’s get into the thick of it. How our San Diego SEO agency (SEO Bubbles) helped a dentist practice right in the heart of San Diego increase their organic traffic by 219.56%. We were able to get these results in just 2 short months.
Prosites is a popular website builder that thousands of dental clinics use. We were chatting with a dentist practice looking to build and market a new website, and we saw a gap in the market that we could take advantage of!
Prosites doesn’t have much flexibility or usability to rank a website very well. The same few themes are used for every one of prosites websites, and the structure of them is all off.
This makes the dental sites not able to rank very well. Structure is everything to Google and when a site is hard to understand.
So, what is the Plan?
Create a fully functioning structured website on WordPress. We ensured the website was how the client wanted it to look. We built it with rankability in mind. There are over 200 ranking signals, so we made sure that the website was in good standing before the new website went live.
We completed full keyword research for the dental practice, for a new website such as the clients it would be too difficult to go after bigger terms such as dentist san Diego, so we looked into long-tail more specific keywords that would be possible to rank for.
We targeted keywords with a total search volume of 2235 which was a great first step for our campaign. We are not yet finished with it, but it is already working.

We finished up our competitor research to ensure we had all of the information we needed. For our on-page strategy. We had the client write 1000 words for the homepage, then we optimized it for the keywords ensuring the density was just right.
A strong on-page optimization plan is essential, especially for new websites that don’t have a strong off-page backlink profile.
Now getting to the off-page optimization we had a strategy for that too. To begin we built citations this was the way to ease into building high-quality links to the business. We built citations to improve the backlink profile and increase visibility to the Google my Business profile.
GMB (Google My Business) Optimization
Which worked quite well we were able to see some pretty great results in a short time of our GMB optimization efforts.
We built 25 high-quality citations for the business. This helps google trust your business more so and is a natural first step for building links. Then once we finished up the citations we changed the business name. This is often frowned upon in the industry, but we have seen many results from it.
We changed the GMB title to target one of our main focus keywords.

We were already seeing some great results from this, so we doubled down and got the client to start asking for reviews. These Google reviews are the glue that helps a business profile stick to the top of the searches.
There were a few more things we worked on behind the scenes for the GMB rankings, but we won’t be sharing all of those here!
Now, getting back to what else we did.
We also know how important backlinks are, we implemented a backlink earning campaign that has got us some incredible backlinks.

We are still implementing our strategy and now building new service pages, and blogs. We have moved into phase two of our plan, and we are getting more results. We are now expanding our operations and helping more dentists achieve amazing results for more clinics with our hyper-focused strategy.
“Out of privacy for our client, we don’t want to publicly display their information”
About SEO Bubbles
SEO Bubbles is a full-service SEO agency directed towards local businesses. We offer custom affordable SEO packages that work! Through our years in the SEO industry, we have learned how we can get results for our clients in a streamlined campaign process.
If you are interested in growing your practice and getting more leads and clients then give contact us!